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Wandering Souls

1)      What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.


Angela van Liempt


2)      What is the best time of day for you to write?


Evenings or during the day on the weekends, but I’m going to be attending a writer’s retreat at the end of February and looking forward to writing throughout the day.


3)      Which character of yours is your favorite and why?


My main character, Drew Harlow. She can communicate with dead people, and although it sounds terrifying, I find her ability to navigate this wild world fascinating. She’s brave and fiercely her own person, but will do anything for her friends and loved ones.


4)      Which character of yours was the most challenging to write and why?


Nico is a pivotal love interest in the series, and he has been the most challenging to write because he represents so much goodness and strength, but has his own story and flaws. It was important to me that I capture him the way he was in my mind.


5)     Was there a pivotal point or experience that impacted your decision to take writing seriously?


My sister died tragically in September of 2021. I stopped writing for a few months and left Wandering Souls in a sitting state. One day I literally just felt her near, wanting me to not just finish this story, but continue to follow my passion and get off the rat race life had thrown me into. I have doubt all the time, but I’ve never been more sure that story telling is the right path.


6)      What is your favorite part about being a writer?


The ability to take the movie reel playing constantly in my mind and give it life on pages to share with others. I also enjoy writing about paranormal or supernatural possibilities, and writing allows me to let go and let it flow.


7)      What is the one thing you wish you knew at the beginning of your writing journey?


I wish I knew more about how to market books. I’ve come to realize how important it is to put your mind in that of the reader who would gravitate toward my genre, and understand what it is they’re looking for, so that I could bring those tidbits through social media. I’m learning as I go, but I hope I’m getting a little better.


8)      Which book, other than your own, would you like to see turned into a movie or T.V. show?


Seeing my own into a series is a huge dream of mine, but if it wasn’t my own book, there are some pretty amazing indie author’s books that I’d love to see have such an opportunity. Tess Waters’ Men of Styre Cove series would be great, or The Great Vampiric Deception by Jolene Gettler had my attention from the word go.  Between Life and Death by Jaclyn Kot was my favorite fantasy read of 2023, and would make an epic film.


9)      Where is your favorite place to read?


In bed at night with my Kindle


10)   If you could take one item out of any book that you have ever read, what would it be or why?


This is such a good question, and I’ve sat here looking at my bookshelves, thinking about a clever response… but I’ve got nothing for this one.


11)   Name one of your favorite authors.


I’m a mood reader, but grew up reading and loving Dean Koontz, Stephen King, but I also adore the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Most recently, I discovered Frieda McFadden who is fantastic. You said one, and I’ve rambled! There are so many! Not to mention the indie authors who I love like Otto Schafer, especially his latest zombie series.


12)   Do you own any interesting ‘bookish’ memorabilia or clothes?


If so, what? A wine glass that says Be careful or you’ll end up in my novel, and a T-shirt that says Storyteller. There is also a T-shirt that was gifted to me from author J.L. Vampa with images of candy hearts and on each are bookish sayings. I love bookish memorabilia!


13)   What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them:


The Atlas Cliffs series is a 3 book series, Wandering Souls is book 1 and Seeking Haven is book 2. Book 3 (title to follow, I have one in my head, but want to be sure it’ll stick before revealing) is my work in progress with a mid 2024 release. This is an upper Young Adult to New adult supernatural mystery, with magical realism.


This series follows Drew Harlow, who in book 1 is 17 going on 18 and has always seen the dead, but she’s always ignored them. Until her boyfriend is presumed dead in a car accident, and she doesn’t see him. As she deals with horrible grief, the dead’s messages grow more intense until she must pay attention. She uncovers dark secrets in her coastal town involving murder and mystery, and finds herself in grave danger. She’s not without her friends, and turns out the guy she’s grown up with has feelings for her.


The story continues in Seeking Haven, but she’s attending art college in Boston when, for the first time, one of the dead attacks her. The close call ends when Ori, her ghostly friend appears to her rescue. Tragic events happen before the holidays, sending her back to her hometown to deal with the dangerous ghost who wants her dead, and make big life decisions as she faces challenges every step of the way. Again, she is not alone, and the guy she thought she was over? Yeah, maybe not so much…


Some tropes I hear a lot is found family, friends to lovers, ghosts with unfinished business, slow-burn, swoon-worthy romance, and love is at the center of it all. (Isn’t it always? 😊)


14)   Do you have a website? If so, what is it?



15)   Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)


 I’m most active on Tiktok at @angelavl_author, and Instagram at @angela_vanliempt


16)   If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?


Music inspires me every day and I create Spotify playlists for each book. These can be found under my link tree: along with other links I’ve shared.

Wandering Souls came in first place for the Young Adult category in 2022

I love helping other writers whenever I can, and hearing from readers is the best feeling in the world.

I’ll be on the lookout for ARC readers, probably around July or August this year, and will update social media with more details.

I have a newsletter where updates will always go first, including my cover reveal and book blurb, giveaways, and book recs.

If you’ve read my books and love the character of Gran, Maddie Harlow, she has a magical backstory that started everything, and I’m planning to release a novella, fingers crossed—this year at some point. This will tell Maddie’s story diving into the witchy magic, and some secrets involving Drew as a child.

Thank you all for taking a chance on me and my books. I appreciate you.


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