Interview with Jolene D. Campbell, author of Japanese Mythology with Romance
1) What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.
Jolene D. Campbell
2) What is your genre and what drew you to it?
Historical Romance/ Asian Myth and Legend.
I have always had a love affair with the Japanese language and culture. It started off with my love of anime and grew from there. I studied Japanese language in high school and in college. My brother-in-law is from Yokohama and I went there back in 2005. I also studied British Literature and professional writing. Over time the study of the two subjects married and birthed my author career. I love Japanese Mythology, because it is so different and less well known compared to other myths. There is so much to explore in regards to plot lines.
3) Which character of yours was the most challenging to write and why?
Mareo, from my third book, Iron Journey. For two of my books my main character, Ake, her main love interest was Fuu. Iron Journey is a prequel so the love interest of that book had to stand out and be different from Fuu, that being Mareo. He had to have characteristics that would draw Ake to him, making him her type, but would allow her interests to progress and eventually lead to Fuu and show the difference between the two men.
4) Do you prefer writing dialogue, action or other scenes?
I love writing dialogue and action scenes. I love writing witty dialogue and they come very naturally to me. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback on my action scenes. I spend most of my time working out the details of those scenes, making sure they are captivating and practical. My action scenes are heavily influenced on martial arts and I want them to come across as doable for anyone who is familiar with the practice.
5) What is the hardest challenge in being a writer?
Not getting interrupted by kids and pets.
6) What is your favorite part about being a writer?
I love the creative process. It’s a true art and I feel the most alive while I am writing and creating worlds and characters with my words.
7) What is your favorite character from any book you have ever read?
I love Vicki Bliss from the Vicki Bliss series by Elizabeth Peters.
8) What was your favorite childhood book?
A collection of poems called: When We Were Very Young, By A. A. Milne
9) Name one of your favorite authors.
Charlotte Bronte
10) Do you prefer to read series or independent novels?
Series, I love the continuation of a character’s story.
11) What is your best book memory?
I wasn’t a big reader as a child. I didn’t really get into reading until junior year of high school. I had a world history teacher assign us a reading challenge for class. We had to read a book, fiction or nonfiction, that took place somewhere in the real world and had a map in the book, then do a report on that book. I picked up The Midnight Train to Memphis by Elizabeth Peters and fell in love with her characters and her writing style. At the time I loved mysteries and found that her plot kept me on my toes. I read that book at least once a year and own many of her other books.
12) What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them.
Iron Blood series. Book titles include: Iron Blood, Iron Tears, and Iron Journey: A prequel.
The Iron Blood series is a story about a female ninja warrior named Ake. Her story takes place in the Heian time period of Japan. She is gifted with powers from the god of fire. In battle her body becomes stronger and she cannot be cut. However, her powers have a kick back and cause her debilitating pain after battle that will eventually kill her. Legend about the Iron Bloods is rumored that if you drink their blood you will also harness their powers. Ake is the last of her kind, because her family has either been killed by their powers or by those wanting to harness their powers. Her story is about love, revenge, and seeking freedom from her god given gift. Her story is told with high action scenes featuring ancient traditional Japanese weapons, historical locations, and spicy romance.
13) Do you have a website? If so, what is it?
14) Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)
Facebook: JoleneCampbellAuthor
Instagram: jolene_d_campbell
TikTok: @jolenedcampbellauthor
Goodreads: Jolene D. Campbell
15) If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?
I based much of my main character and other characters in my books off of chronic illnesses, most of them being ones I struggle with. I wanted to write a book that took chronic pain and illness and turned them into something positive. I have genetic metabolic contention that was the main inspiration for my Iron Blood series, called Hemochromatosis. It’s a fairly common condition, but not well known. I think writing my books was a way for me to process my diagnosis. I’ve had people with fibromyalgia tell me they can relate to my main character and appreciate how I express pain in my books.