Origins of an Oracle

1) What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.
Evie Black
2) What is your genre and what drew you to it?
I love reading Paranormal Romance, so it makes sense that I write in that same genre.
3) What is the best time of day for you to write?
I don’t have a select time to write, just whenever the inspiration strikes, whether that’s noon, 6pm or 3 am.
4) Which character of yours is your favorite and why?
Leona, the title FMC from my second book. I put so much of me into her character, and used her story to work through a lot of my own issues.
5) Which character of yours was the most challenging to write and why?
Donovan, from my third book, Abyssal. As toxic as he is now, he was ten times more so during the first draft. I realized I couldn’t redeem him how he was, so I needed to rewrite him.
6) Do you attend or participate in Cons or literary fests? If so, which ones?
I am an attending author for Sinful Signings in Roanoke VA (sept 21-22) and Booked in Chaos in Fountain Inn, SC (Nov 16)
7) What gives you the most satisfaction in the writing process?
Besides hitting that publish button, I really appreciate when readers reach out to me to tell me what they thought of the book. I especially like it when they tell me how they connect and identify with my characters.
8) What is the most difficult challenges you face in the writing process?
Writing consistently. I would love to be able to sit down every day to write, but unfortunately, I’m not able to.
9) What is your favorite character from any book you have ever read?
Kyla from Kill Your Darlings by L.E Harper. I have never connected so strongly to a character before.
10) How many books do you try to read each year?
I don’t like to set a goal. Like writing, my reading is inconsistent. I can read 5 books one week, then go a month without reading.
11) What is you preferred method of reading a book? (Audio, paperback, hardcover, or eBook)
I prefer physical copies, but I will read ebooks. My brain doesn’t like audiobooks unless I can follow along with the physical copy to keep my mind focus on the story.
12) If you had to write in any other genre, what would that be and why?
I plan on staying within the Romance genre, but bouncing around between the different sub-genres.
13) If you could live in any “book world” what would that be?
Probably my own, not because I’m biased, though that is partially true. But my books take place in the real world, so I would imagine not much of my life would change.

14) What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them.
The Agents of Balance and Chaos Series is a dark Paranormal Romance series of interconnected stand-alones. Starting with Unbalanced where we meet Sebastian and Lucy. Unbalanced is the introduction into the world I am building and introduces the series protagonist/antagonist. Unbalanced has angels, demons, fated mates and forced proximity. Leona is the second book in the series. Leona is a bear-shifter, chief of her clan, and a total badass. Leona is a reverse bully romance with plenty of action, humor/banter and a bit of emotional damage. Abyssal, the third book in the series is centered around Witches. Theodora is the newest Oracle to awaken her powers, and Donovan is the walking red flag that trains her. Abyssal is about an abusive relationship with a shadow daddy. Though each book has it’s own MCs and story, there is an overarching series plot that is slowly revealed in each book.
15) Do you have a website? If so, what is it?
16) Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)
Besides my website, you can find me on all the socials with the same handle, @evieblackbooks
17) If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?
I appreciate everyone’s love and support. I recognize that I couldn’t do this without my amazing readers! I may write the books, but without my readers, I wouldn’t have the confidence and support to continue writing. So thank you.