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Angelic Elementals

  1. What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.


Cassie Corbin


2.      What inspired you to become a writer?


Reading! I loved the escape it gave me and I want to be able to do the same thing for others.

3.      How far along are you on your current work-in-progress?


I’m currently working on book two for The Elemental Project. I’m about 80% through the 2nd draft.


4.      Do you challenge yourself to writing sprints? If so, how long are they?


I naturally tend to write large chunks at a time. My average word count for the day is usually no less than 1,500 words so I’m not sure if that counts? It usually takes me about an hour to get 1,500 words down.


5.      What is your favorite way to connect with readers? (Social media, newsletters or something else)


Social media, for sure!


6.      Was there a pivotal point or experience that impacted your decision to take writing seriously?


Yes. My father was a huge supporter for me and always encouraged me to pursue it but I was too shy and put it aside for many years. After he passed away, I knew I needed to stop wasting time and pursue my dream. Daddy didn’t raise a quitter.


7.      Who would you cast as your most recent Main Character if your book became a movie or T.V. show?


I think Tom Blythe would play the perfect Lucas Sawyer!

8.      What is your favorite quote and why?


“1,2,3 God with me!” It’s a little nursery rhyme my grandmother taught me when I was young. I usually say it to myself right before doing something really intimidating. It’s like a comforting little reminder that whatever scary thing I’m about to do, I’ll get through it. I’m not alone. 


9.      What was your favorite childhood book?


Cryptid Hunters by Roland Smith!

10.  Do you prefer to read series or independent novels?


I prefer series. I get attached to the characters, haha!


11.  Do you own any interesting ‘bookish’ memorabilia or clothes? If so, what?


I have an entire wall of Skyward (Brandon Sanderson) posters, a Doomslug Christmas sweater, a Doomslug lunch box, and a Hesho plushie. I also collect enamel pins so I have a cool pin from Descendants of Merlin (Mellody Stout) and a couple more from Skyward too. Can you tell I’m obsessed?


12.  What is your best book memory?


As an author - getting to hold the physical copy of my book for the first time.

As a reader - My husband surprised me with a signed copy of Brandon Sanderson’s Skyward Flight Novellas. 


13.  What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them.


The series is called The Hidden Element. Book One, The Elemental Project, recently released.


It’s a Young-Adult Sci-Fi inspired by alchemical history. It takes place in a secret community called Elondoh and follows guardian Lucas Sawyer and four angelic elementals as they are forced to create the philosopher’s stone. A lot of the lore is inspired by Dr. John Dee’s works with angel summoning.


14.  Do you have a website? If so, what is it?



15.  Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)


I’m on Tik Tok and Instagram under @authorcassiecorbin


16.  If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?


The first ten perfect of my first royalty check will be donated to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library so if anyone is interested in contributing to a really cool cause, they can purchase a copy of TEP and help out with that. The Elemental Project is currently available as an Ebook or a physical copy can be purchased anywhere books are sold. An audiobook is soon to come as well!


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