Author Adam G. Fleming writes along the fine line between the absurd and the sublime

1) Hello! Let’s get to know each other. What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.
Adam G. Fleming
2) What is your genre and what drew you to it?
I write in different genres, including steampunk fantasy and action/adventure, literary fiction and nonfiction, however I do have common themes throughout: my characters are often travelers who find themselves in cross-cultural situations, I use a lot of satirical humor. I am drawn to these by personal experience as a traveler and my sense of humor comes from that as well.
3) Do you prefer writing dialogue, action or other scenes?
I love to write dialogue the most. Sometimes my editor tells me I need to describe the setting a bit more! But I like to allow my readers a lot of imagination.
4) How did you come up with your cover design?
My sister does most of my cover designs. She’s a professional graphic designer and I think she does a great job, especially on the five Satchel Pong Chronicles covers.
5) What is the hardest challenge in being a writer?
It doesn’t have so much to do with being an author because I struggle with it in other work too: marketing.
6) What is your favorite part about being a writer?
The creative part where I’m drafting, just making stuff up as I go.

7) Which book, other than your own, would you like to see turned into a movie or T.V. show?
Stephen R. Lawhead has a Robin Hood trilogy (Hood, Scarlet, Tuck) that would be awesome. I have always loved the Robin Hood mythos, but it’s just been garbage in Hollywood for a while.
8) What is you preferred method of reading a book? (Audio, paperback, hardcover, or eBook)
Paperback or hardcover by a long shot. But I have done a little bit of audio lately as I am a pretty serious walker, I walk an hour a day so I managed to get through a few books I really needed to ingest while walking.
9) Name one book that you have reread several times.
Huckleberry Finn
10) If you had to write in any other genre, what would that be and why?
I’ll be doing some more sci-fi eventually with a spinoff character from the Satchel Pong steampunk stuff. Why? Because the character is already there and I like him.
11) Do you prefer to read series or independent novels? I prefer to read good stuff.
Usually that lands in the independent novels, like classics. For example, I recently read Madame Bovary. I think writers need to know the landscape of what has come before. But I will read series too.
12) What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them.
Currently I’m promoting a 5-book completed series called The Satchel Pong Chronicles. Book 1 is called Satchel Pong and the Great Migration. Pong is a meteorologist- in his world it’s a government position and he’s responsible to give an annual report. Pong knows his world is getting hotter, but he doesn’t know why. People begin to pressure him on the street, and he realizes he needs to talk to The Dirigibles and ask for advice. Soon Pong and two friends, Emil Ennis and Antoinette Xho are leading a migration to try to help their people find a safe place to live. By the end of the series, the issue of interstellar travel is raised… I don’t want to give too much away!

13) Do you have a website? If so, what is it?
14) Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)
I use IG @adam_g_fleming and Facebook @adamgflemingauthor
15) If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?
I’m 48, I have written 12 books, I currently earn my living as a ghost writer and executive coach and training facilitator, I’ve been married since 1998, we have four kids, ages 19 to 11. I would be glad to have people email me with any questions at