-welcome to my worlds-

Ullr's Fangs
Although thankful for survival, the Kingdom of Elysia is still reeling from the summer’s war that devastated many coastal cities and towns. If the dominant race of humans and the native race of Theriomorphs with their unique ability to shift into animal form had not finally united, the country would have come to ruin. However, tension and distrust remain.
Seventeen-year-old Lluava feels the pressures that stem from racial differentiation more than most. In animal form, the white tigress is both unusual and unsettling. Moreover, as the only female trained in the arts of war, she has drawn the attention of the entire kingdom and its patriarchal society. Many eyes are focused on her and her future—one that is intricately bound with that of the heir to the throne.
Taking up residence in the capital, Lluava soon learns not all enemies arise from across the ocean. Adversaries and foes have long ago infused themselves in public places of power. Elysia is far from safe. This time, evil will not be so easy to slay.
The echoes of the Raider’s last threat remains: “The war isn’t over. It hasn’t even begun.”
Ullr's Fangs
The Incarn Saga Book Two
ISBN-13: 978-0998377926
According to legend, when the world was young, two gods of war — one male, one female — were destined for each other. Yet Ullr, forever unfaithful, lost the love of Issaura, his true match, and was forsworn. His violent anger and bitter rage grew and intensified, poisoning all creation and humanity.
Now that the Raiders’ long ships have faded from sight, the kingdom of Elysia is beginning to recover from the summer’s war with the brutal invaders from across the sea. Yet darker forces have taken root, forces that can alter the future of the land and its people in unthinkable ways. Seventeen-year-old Lluava must discover the means to prevent her world from collapsing. But in doing so, will she succumb to that darkness?
Ullr's Fangs Awards

Ullr's Fangs Book Trailer
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Reviewed By Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite
Ullr's Fangs by Katharine Wibell is book 2 in The Incarn Saga. Although I have not read the previous novel in the series, I had very little problem catching up with the story line and falling in love with the characters. I especially loved Lluava; she is sassy, witty and intelligent. She knows her strengths and knows how to use them. However, she is not afraid to second guess herself and her abilities. She knows that her strengths are not foolproof, but that does not stop her from trying her hardest.
The story of Lluava takes a new spin in this second book. After Raiders were defeated, Lluava thought that she would have time to hone her skills, become a better warrior and master her animal form. However, she had no idea that she would not have time to even think her plans through. There is something far more sinister happening, something that is coming right towards her and she has no idea what it is. The enemy is powerful and unknown and Lluava must hone her skills, fight mentally and physically to survive this new wave of attack. But it is not easy, it never was and it never will be. Lluava has to find a way to protect herself, her people and Varren before she runs out of time. But can she do it before time runs out?
This novel had an amazing climax that kept me on the edge of my seat and waiting to see what would happen. Unsurprisingly, Lluava is not a character that you pity. You sympathize with her and you feel connected to her, but she is someone whom you wish you could be like. She is determined and ready to take action, especially when she is cornered. The author did a wonderful job at creating a believable world because I was lost from the moment I read the prologue. It piqued my interest and had me reading on and on until I was so invested that I didn’t even consider stopping. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Entertaining, intriguing and very well-written.

5 Stars
Lluava is fighter in more ways than one. She is highly trained, has seen her share of the devastation of war, and she is a Theriomorph. Varren is Lluava’s partner and anxious to again see his grandfather, the king. When Lluava is told she will be traveling with Varren to meet King Thor, she is not prepared for what she finds in Varren’s childhood home. While Lluava and Varren are a pair to be reckoned with in the field, they have a private relationship that defies definition. Lluava’s stay in the royal castle begins a string of events that will change the course of the lives of everyone around her.
Ullr’s Fangs: Book Two of The Incarn Saga, by Katharine Wibell, is a rather dark fantasy surrounding the experiences of young Lluava as she faces some massive responsibilities. Her own fascination with Varren and her determination to become an even more capable fighter dominates the story line of Wibell’s work.
As fantasies go, Ullr’s Fangs is a wonderful thrill ride. I am a reader who becomes much more involved in the characters’ backstories and the relationships they have with one another. Though this installment of Wibell’s series is chock full of action, there is a much bigger draw involving Lluava’s fascination with Varren. Watching their interactions evolve is enthralling.
I am impressed with the tactful way in which Wibell deals with the mental decline of King Thor. His loss of memory and his periodic references to his son give the reader pause. Dementia is a difficult but relatable topic for many readers, and Wibell reveals the king’s struggle slowly and tastefully in small conversations. I find the inclusion of this condition to be a nice way to help readers further relate to the characters.
As I read, I kept coming back to Lluava and her personality traits. She is as kind and loving as she is fierce. When faced with the challenge of training, she perseveres through immense trials and physical challenges. The gentle manner in which she relates to the young maiden assigned to her at the castle is touching.
The shape-shifting aspect of Wibell’s characters is another intriguing element of her writing. I am amazed at the details Wibell manages to include in her work. Lluava’s transformation are easily visualized and exceptionally penned. The Theriomorphs alone are reason enough to read Wibell’s series.
Readers who enjoy fantasies filled with action and well-developed characters will find themselves deeply involved in the plot of Ullr’s Fangs. From cover to cover, Wibell keeps readers on their toes. The fantastic details throughout Wibell’s book bring readers into the story and provide ample opportunity for them to lose themselves in the world she has created. I highly recommend Ullr’s Fangs to any reader looking for a new fantasy series with memorable characters and highly-involved action sequences.
Review by akarrick89 on Amazon
Just as good as the first book
I really enjoyed the first book and am super happy to report that the second book did not disappoint! Just bought book 3! I am excited to see what happens next!